Wednesday, October 13, 2010


On Saturday Morning I took Will to get his flu shot and Jared stayed home with Jet and Bell. Jared hasn't been feeling well and was feeling "foggy" brained. I had bought Anabella a few things with gluten in them, because I don't feel the need to make her go entirely gluten free. Well guess who got a gluten filled cereal bar for breakfast... that's right - Jet. I think my reaction to that news was, "Well, Poop!". The upside of that - we get to see his reaction to it. I think that if we would have known the literal hell that the next few days would hold - Jared may have thought a little more about doling out cereal bars.
Jet did not take a nap that day (and he is a faithful napper), he threw up that night, and he eventually passed out around 11pm that night. I have learned that when Jet fights sleep = he doesn't feel good. He woke up early Sunday Morning in a terrible mood and he has been in that mood ever since.
But that's not all. I had bought donuts for Sunday School. The leftovers were in the kitchen, because I was going to take them to MOPS. I heard Jared in there Sunday night saying, "eat it, eat it". What was he talking about? Well, apparently Jared gave Jet a donut and Jet was looking at it like... "are you sure I can eat this?" Jet came waltzing into the living room with a donut. My response this time... (casually) "What's he eating?" Jared's response, "Oh No!!! A Donut!" My response, (not so casually) "What!!!! Get it out. Get it out."
For Jet eating gluten is like a vampire getting a taste for blood, he has to have it.
Monday morning, I had to stop by the donut shop and get more donuts (because Jared and I have the same reaction to gluten as Jet and we ate all the donuts... oops!).
Jet practically jumped on the donut box trying to get a taste of at least one donut. He manage to mutilate two, but wasn't able to get even a bite down. However, when MOPS was over the first thing he went looking for was a bite of leftover donut and he succeeded in findinf a small bite hidden under the chair.
Wait... there's one more. Anabella was snacking on small Gerber cookies and he decided that he should help her get those eaten. So there's some more gluten you can add to the pile.
So Jet has pretty gotten a bite of gluten everyday this week and my weak has been HORRIBLE!!!! Jet has cried pretty much constantly.
I just gave up today. I called Jared in tears.There's nothing I can do, but listen to him cry. He wakes up crying and goes to bed crying.
It has to be the gluten right? Or is this just a terrible two season? I don't know, I guess we'll find out next week. Hopefully, it will get better.
You know some days are just hard. The constant drooling, the absolute messiness at meal times, the "uh uh" grunts instead of words all day long, the tantrums, the clumsiness, not being able to follow direction, constantly asking for food and milk, stealing Anabella's binky all day...
I am not a hero Mom. At least once a day, I say a silent prayer..."Please take over, because I can't do it anymore." I loose my temper, I yell, I feel like the majority of my day is filled with a to-do list and that I get very little quality time with my children. I go to bed most nights wondering, "What the heck am I doing?".
I asked Jared today at lunch, "When is this season going to be over?" It feels like we've been here a long time and I'm ready for it to get a little easier.
But on the upside - we got good reports this past week from all of his therapists. He seems to be making improvements. Here's a few pictures and video of this past week.

 Here he is holding Sissy while she drinks her bottle.

I was getting dressed this morning and I Jared go do a kid count and this is how he found them. They are so much company for each other. This one of our sweeter moments of the week.

Last Saturday Jared had the boys out at my parents house. My folks got this for Will last Christmas. Jet did a pretty good of driving it - difficult steering it, but figured out how to make it go.

Please be praying for my family this week. My heart needs to see God move in a big way. I hear things like,"What an amazing story he is going to have." And I know that is the truth. But honestly, at this point I'm ready for the happily ever after part of the story. 
I'm a loyal watcher of Kathi Lee and Hoda and Hoda said something yesterday that rings very true to our lives...
"I know that we have it better than some and worse than others and I don't want to hog our Journey." 
So, on that note... thank you for joining us on this journey and most importantly praying for us. We need it!

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