Sunday, September 26, 2010

A week in Review.

I've intended on updating you guys all week, because it has been quite a week.

Monday was a wonderful day, we didn't have to be anywhere. Which was a very nice change of pace. We dinged around the house and went to the library. I told Jared that I wish everyday could be like Monday. Unfortunately (or fortunately - depending on how you look at it) most of my days are like Tuesday.
On Tuesday Jet had 2 speech therapies and a physical therapy. Plus we had to go to 3 different grocery stores to get all the "right" food. However, this gluten free diet has given me so much more energy that I didn't want to commit myself to a looney bin come 6pm - which is unusual for me.
Jet's speech therapist from Soonerstart was very pleased to here that we went gluten free and is hopeful that we will see improvement as is his physical therapist.
At both speech therapy sessions, both therapist were very impressed with Jet. One said that he seemed much more aware of his surroundings and was very vocal. And the other therapist couldn't believe all the words he said and how interactive he was. Both reports make me hopeful that this might just work after all.
At physical therapy Jet threw a ball at a target for the very first time. We were all jumping up and down with excitement. His PT thinks that it is time to start thinking about putting him in SMOs (a foot brace) to stop his feet from turning in. This makes my heart hurt, but I of course support anything that could help him.
The rest of the week was pretty typical. Not a lot to talk about there.

In all honesty, I am noticing small improvements in Jet. He can point to things in a book when asked where something is, he is able to take his shirt off all by himself, his fine motor skills are improving, his is consistently saying "that", "dada", "sister", "banana", "milk", "mama", "movie" and maybe even some more. And every now and again you'll hear a random word.
While riding in the van, he's starting to point to familiar places - like McDonalds, Taco Bell, and church.

This week I'd like to take a minute and do another recording to see where he's at. 

We went to the zoo today and had a TON of fun. Here's some pictures from our day.

 Jet was slightly freaked out that he was sitting by a baby elephant.

Here's Jet with his best buddy. They always have a lot of fun together. She's been sick this week and Jet has done everything in his power to help keep her happy. It is truly amazing watching him care for her. I've never seen anything like it. He brings her books and binkies. He gives her hugs and kisses. He is so sweet and nurturing.

Here's a video that we took today. In this video you will find Jet telling us all about this little penguin. It wasn't too long ago that Jet was quite all the time. I know it's hard to believe but his speech has come a long way in the past year. Now all we need to do is get those utterances to become real words. That's my prayer, "for him to have a voice".

As easy as it is being on this gluten free diet. It is still a challenge and has been a major change in lifestyle. My hope is that at the end of these three months the change in Jet will be so drastic that we would be out of our minds not to keep him on it. Please pray that happens....

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Patton for keeping him on his diet this weekend. I know it was difficult, but it is greatly appreciated.
Also, thank you friends and family for going out of your way to send me recipes and give me ideas. I value all of your input and feedback.
Lastly, thank you for reading about my very sweet boy. I know lives are busy and the fact that you care enough about my son to keep up with his progress means the world to me.